Your Mentoring Story

Before you begin Module 1, think about some of the characteristics that make a great professional or personal mentor. One way to think about this is by reflecting on your own experience when you were mentored by someone who was more experienced then you.


Use the questions below to stimulate your thinking and tell your story about your mentors and how they have influenced you. Jot down your answers in the text boxes below so they can be part of your journal. Your answers will provide insight into at least some of the topics that you will encounter in this training. When you have finished, proceed to the next screen.

How have your mentors contributed to your growth and development personally or as a professional or both?

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What were the most satisfying aspects of those relationships and why?

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What special qualities or attributes did they possess that made them effective?

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The Innovation Destination


The Innovation Destination was designed and evaluated by a team from the Center for Digital Literacy at the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University and developed by Data Momentum Inc, in partnership with the Connecticut Invention Convention, By Kids for Kids, New York On Tech, and over 70 school librarians and young innovators.

This site has been serving the youth invention community from 2015 - present.